Thursday, May 24, 2012

Four Hugs a Day

 I don't know about the rest of you, but life is especially crazy right now. I can hardly wait for summer time which means . . . (drum roll please) NO HOMEWORK! I think I might actually be more excited about this then the kiddos.  Our schedule has been filled with school projects, written reports, oral reports, and end of the year performances.

Recently, Eliza's class did a "Year End Review" of the songs and poems that her class learned over the school year. I love watching school performaces, espcially if it involves a group of five and six year olds when anything can happen. I am one of those sappy moms who cries my way through the performace. Maybe it is because I already have one kiddos who is getting close to junior high. Maybe it is because the years seem to be going faster and faster and no matter what I do, my kids keep growing up. I am not sure. What I can tell you is that I enjoyed every second of Eliza's performance.

Here is a clip of my favorite song of the morning. Check out my daughter with the big personality in the front row.

And here is Eliza's number one fan: 

I hope you all are enjoying the end of the school year as much as we are!

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